Monday, June 1, 2009

VGHVI Latest Thoughts Podcast 001

VGHVI Latest Thoughts Podcast with Michael Abbott, the Brainy Gamer. Roger and Michael discuss the state of academic discourse about games in relation to the "middle circle" of game criticism, and the table we think VGHVI brings to the conversation. Features Roger Travis and Michael Abbott. Produced by Randy Ma.

(Here's a direct link to the podcast.)

Apologies for the lowness of my voice both in frequency and in volume. The former was a problem with a cold, now resolved, the latter a problem with my Skype settings, hopefully also now resolved.

As Michael and I discuss at the end of the podcast, stay tuned for information, probably towards the end of the summer, about Michael's first online course-offering!

Links to items Michael and I discuss:

The Video Games and Human Values Initiative: check out the events listing there for invitations to the VGHVI gaming sessions--Lord of the Rings Online on Sunday nights and rotating titles (usually on XBox Live) on Thursday nights

Michael Abbott's Brainy Gamer blog

Roger Travis' Living Epic blog

Dan Bruno's Cruise Elroy blog

Ben Abraham's SLRC and Critical Distance (founded by Ben and featuring him and many other incisive game critics)

Corvus Elrod's Man Bytes Blog

Justin Keverne's Groping the Elephant blog

Erik Hanson's VGHVI week-in-review

The Vintage Game Club

The Tempest


  1. Any list that happens to include Shakespeare is a list I'm glad to be a part of!*

    *Let's not get cute and talk about lists of dead or of those of dubious parentage.

  2. I also hope that there are same sessions being held in our place. These kind of informative way of disseminating anything about Download Games/Video Games can help gamers in assessing/choosing the right game suited to their interest.
